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*** film version ****
I could while away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head, I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain
I'd unravel every riddle
For any individ'le
In trouble or in pain
With the thoughts you'd be thinkin'
You could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain
Oh, I would tell you why
The ocean's near the shore
I could think of things I never thunk before
And then I'd sit and think some more
I would not be just a nuffin'
My head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain
I would dance and be merry
Life would be a ding-a-derry
If I only had a brain
Gosh, it would be awful pleasin'
To reason out the reason
For things I can't explain
Then perhaps I'll deserve ya
And be even worthy of ya
If I only had a brain
When a man's an empty kettle
He should be on his mettle
And yet I'm torn apart
Just because I'm presumin'
That I could be a human
If I only had a heart
I'd be tender, I'd be gentle
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art
I'd be friends with the sparrows
And the boy that shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart
Picture me a balcony
Above a voice sings low
Wherefore art thou, Romeo?
I hear a beat, how sweet!
Just to register emotion, jealousy, devotion
And really feel the part
I could stay young and chipper
And I'd lock it with a zipper
If I only had a heart
Yeah, it's sad, believe me, Missy
When you're born to be a sissy
Without the vim and verve
But I could show my prowess
Be a lion, not a mouse
If I only had the nerve
I'm afraid there's no denyin'
I'm just a dandelion
A fate I don't deserve
I'd be brave as a blizzard
I'd be gentle as a lizard
I'd be clever as a gizzard
If the Wizard is a Wizard who will serve
Then I'm sure to get a brain
A heart
※ 「虹の彼方に」で有名な映画「オズの魔法使い」の一曲。もとは子供向けの歌ながらややブルーな雰囲気を持った曲で、語り手が自身の失敗に落ち込み、卑下する気分を歌うのに向いた大人の歌にも感じる。
オズに行く途中でドロシーが最初に会うのが頭の中には藁しか詰まっていない案山子で、 If I Only Had A Brain を歌う。 次に会うのが空っぽな胴体のブリキの木こりで、If I Only Had A Heart を歌う。最後に会うのが小動物さえ怖いという臆病なライオンで、 If I Only Had A Nerve を歌う。
案山子とブリキの木こりは、フルコーラス歌うのに対し、臆病ライオンはサビ以降は歌わず次の歌 We're Off to See the Wizard に移る 。
★ この行は「ロミオとジュリエット」での台詞 Wherefore art thou, Romeo? でどこからともなく聞こえてくる。
この声の主はクレジットされてはいないが、ディズニー映画「白雪姫」の声を担当した アドリアナ・カセロッティ (Adriana Caselotti)
*** sheet music version ****
Said a scarecrow swingin' on a pole
To a blackbird sittin' on a fence,
"Oh! the Lord gave me a soul
But forgot to give me common sense,
If I had an ounce of common sense."
I could while away the hours
Conferrin' with the flow'rs,
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head, I'd be scratchin',
If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel ev'ry riddle
For any individle
In trouble or in pain.
With the thoughts I'd be thinkin'
I could be another Lincoln,
If I only had a brain.
Oh, I could tell you why
The ocean's near the shore,
I could think of things I never thunk before,
And then I'd sit
And think some more.
I would not be just a nuffin',
My head all full of stuffin',
My heart all full of pain.
And perhaps I'd deserve you
And be even worthy erv you
I I only had a brain.
Only had a brain.
Said a tinman rattlin' his gibs
To a strawman sad and wery-eyed,
"Oh! the Lord gave me tin ribs,
But forget to put a heart inside."
Then he banged his hollow chest and cried.
When a man'a an empty kettle
He should be on his mettle
And yet I'm torn apart.
Just because I'm presumin'
That I could be kinda human
If I only had a heart.
I'd be tender, I'd be gentle
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art.
I'd be friends with the sparrows
And the boy that shoots the arrows,
If I only had a heart.
Picture me,
A balcony,
Above a voice sings low,
"Wherefore art thou, Romeo?"
I heart a beat.
Now sweet!
Just to register emotion,
"Jealousy," "Devotion,"
And really feel the part.
I would stay young and chipper
And I'd lock it with a zipper
If I only had a heart.
Only had a heart.
Said a lion, poor neurotic lion,
To a miss who listened to him rave,
"Oh! the Lord forgot to make me brave."
Then his tail began to curl and wave.
Life is sad, believe me, Missy, when
You're born to be a sissy,
Without the vim and verve.
But I could change my habits,
Never more be scared of rabbits
If I only had the nerve.
I'm afraid there's no denyin'
I'm just a dandy lion,
A fate I don't deserve.
But I could show my prowess,
Be a lion, not a mowess,
If I only had the nerve.
Oh, I'd
Be in my stride,
A king down to the core.
Oh, I'd roar the way I never roared before,
And then I'd rrrwoof,
And roar some more.
I would show the dinosaurus
Who's king around the forres',
A king they better serve.
Why, with my regal beezer
I could be another Caesar
If I only had the nerve.
Only had the nerve.
作詞: エドガー・イップ・ハーバーグ E.Y. Harburg
作曲: ハロルド・アーレン Harold Arlen
ミュージカル映画 The Wizard of Oz (1939)で、レイ・ボルジャー、ジャック・ヘイリー、バート・ラー (Ray Bolger, Jack Haley , Bert Lahr)が紹介。
2010/03/06 訳
2013/02/10 レイアウト変更等